Dance the Dream


Begins as a dream

this thing, I call life.

Or maybe death

holds the power,

perhaps a dance

likely my attitude.


My belief, my attitude

physical form, a dream

foxtrot I dance

call it life

see the power

at the threshold of death


old unknown friend, death

will change my attitude

the universe owns the power

sees my days as a dream

changes my thoughts of life

as I approach the last dance.


For the ultimate dance

I knock at the door of death

At final hour, the countdown of life

Will I have a grace-filled attitude?

or will it be a ghoulish dream

filled with devils, demons wielding power.


I want the universe's power

to lead the dance

be master of the dream

bold in the face, I look at death

important is my attitude

when releasing worldly life


it appears that life

has it's own power

outrageous attitude

just a dance

dying is not death

only fear in a dream


create my ending dream , summit of my life

liberate fear, remove death's power

Dance fantasy of existence with grand, graceful attitude


 (writing exercise using the same end words in strict format and using two end words in the last stanza)


 Laurel Lindberg, September 29, 1997

ã copyright protected 1997 Luscious Press